Daily Clean Jokes about aging!

Here is our daily, clean joke about aging and getting older. No one is safe as we find great jokes about retirement, being middle-aged, being over-the-hill and the sad, but funny things that begin to happen to us as we age, such as memory loss, loss of hearing, poor eyesight and more. Grow old gracefully with a smile on your face as you read our clean aging jokes.

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Today's Joke About Getting Older

Friday, September 20, 2024

Marriage Views

Men and women have two distinct views about a wedding.

The husband to be wakes up in the morning, plays a round of golf and counts the minutes until he has to be at the altar.

The wife to be, on the other hand, wakes up in the morning and is panicking. She immediately begins to organize things, making sure everything is in proper order. In her mind she is repeating what she has to do.

"All I have to do is go down the aisle, get to the altar, and marry him."

She repeats this over and over again, until she begins to shorten it to three words which she continues to repeat...

"Aisle, altar, him." "Aisle, altar, him." "Aisle, altar, him."

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